Clash Royale is a real-time strategy game developed by Supercell. It is a spin-off of the popular and fan-favorite Clash of Clans, made by the same developer. The game is available on Android and iOS. It incorporates a multiplayer-style battle arena with collectible cards and tower defenses.

The objective of Clash Royale is rather simple. Players must stack the best cards on their card deck and destroy their opponent's towers. There will be three towers on either side of the arena. Whoever manages to destroy all three, or at least the central tower or King's tower, first wins the match.

The game incorporates plenty of features, and players can even join clans or create their own. They can also participate in various challenges and tournaments, where they can earn a great number of rewards as they progress.

In an update launched by Supercell, an option to play 2v2 battles was added to Clash Royale. Players can participate with a friend online and battle against another team of two members. It is a very popular game mode and still holds up as one of the best elements in the title. Players can team up randomly or invite a friend or clan member in this game mode.

In another recent update, Supercell seemingly removed the 2v2 battle option. This was reported by confused fans who noticed that the 2v2 button was missing from the home screen. In the previous version of the game, the 2v2 icon could be accessed on the home screen itself, right next to the "Battle" button.

To players' relief, it was revealed that the 2v2 battle option had simply been relocated to another section.

Steps to play 2v2 battles in Clash Royale

Here are the steps you can follow to play a 2v2 match in Clash Royale:

Step 1: Open Clash Royale on your mobile device and update the game if required.

Step 2: Once you get to the homepage, click on the three-line icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

The three-line icon (Image via Supercell)

Step 3: After clicking on the icon, head to the "Party!" section from the list shown.

The "Party!" section (Image via Supercell)

Step 4: Once you click on the party icon, scroll down. You will find the 2v2 Battle option, which will allow you to play a quick match with a random player or invite a friend to join you.

Players can either quick-match with a random player or invite a friend (Image via Supercell)

It is still unclear why Supercell decided to relocate the 2v2 battle option to another section of the game rather than just keeping the button on the home screen like before.

Though Clash Royale is well-known for its 1v1 battles, the 2v2 mode has gained a lot of traction over the years. It is even a preferred game mode for many players since they don't have to put trophies at risk to earn rewards. Overall, playing a 2v2 battle is a fun and rewarding experience in the game.

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