Kick streamer Jack Doherty, a prominent streaming personality who boasts an impressive following of over 81K, has once again made headlines as he was reportedly turned away from a Halloween party hosted by Corinna Kopf, the popular model and online celebrity. The incident took place about an hour and 55 minutes into his latest stream on Kick.
Jack, along with some other creators, tried entering a Halloween party in LA. However, the security guard informed him that he wasn't welcome in the house. Naturally, this upset the streamer, who then went on a rageful rant against Corinna, even doxxing the location. He exclaimed:
"F**k that b**ch!"Jack Doherty doxxes Corinna Kopf's Halloween party during IRL stream
Tension has been mounting between Corinna Kopf and Jack Doherty in recent times. The situation came to a head earlier today when Jack was refused entry to her Halloween party, intensifying their ongoing conflict. A visibly upset Jack exclaimed:
"Ay, bye loser. L security guard. Alright guys, f**k Corinna. F**k Corinna. Corinna's a wh**e. I'm doubling down, f**k that b**ch. Corinna is an OnlyFans wh**e. Tripled down. Boom!"As if the caustic remarks weren't sufficient, the streamer proceeded to expose the location's address on his live stream. He said:
"Guys, N3on was here two days ago. Y'all know where he was at. Someone got to know. That's all I'm going to say. We're at the same spot with the Taco truck. I wonder where is this Taco truck located. That's f**king weird. It's almost as if the address is right there (shows the address on the body of the truck)."For those seeking an explanation for his denial, a few days ago, one of Corinna's friends was reportedly struck by a security guard associated with Jack Doherty during an IRL stream. This incident left her deeply angered by the actions taken.
Not the first controversy involving Jack Doherty
This isn't the only instance in which Jack has encountered trouble. On September 2023, the 19-year-old streamer engaged in a physical altercation with another Kick streamer, Izi Prime, following an incident where the latter slapped him in the face.
In the same month, he faced another assault during one of his streams, this time at the hands of one of the Island Boys.
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