If I say the name Nadia Suleman, do you know who that is? Perhaps if I call her by her other, more well known name it will ring a bell. Octomom. You know, that lady who got famous for having like 8 kids at the same time? Seems Octomom Nadia Suleman facing welfare fraud charges kind of changes everything.
Seems the District Attorney has his eyes set on her, as it seems she had failed to report $30,000.00 in income she had made while still receiving welfare. Yes, that’s right. She was on welfare even though she was going around and doing spots and shows and such and making money off it. So in essence, we helped pay for her stuff in that period. All of us. Every single one.
If found guilty of the fraud charges. Nadia Suleman could do five years in jail. What would happen to her kids? I guess she should have thought this all out a bit better. So what are your thoughts on Nadia Suleman facing welfare fraud charges? Take to the comments and let us know!
(Photo by Toby Canham/Getty Images)