Truly Mouthwatering! is a new World Quest in Genshin Impact's Fontaine region. Travelers meet an NPC called Henri, who is almost buried neck-deep in the sand on the beach north of Poisson and you must find clues to uncover what happened to him and why. While the quest is short, it challenges the players' deduction skills as they are put to the test of uncovering the full truth behind the incident.
Completing the Truly Mouthwatering! World Quest will reward you with 30 Primogems and a couple of other in-game rewards. This Genshin Impact article will guide you on how to complete this quest and also help you through the entire deduction process.
Genshin Impact: Truly Mouthwatering World Quest Guide
To start the Truly Mouthwatering! World Quest in Genshin Impact, go to the beach towards the north of Poisson.
Upon reaching, you will find an NPC named Henri, who is buried in the ground with two small red crabs nearby and a plate of chicken placed right in front of him. Defeating the two crabs will automatically start the "Truly Mouthwatering!" quest.
The navigation marker will point toward the buried NPC, so talk to him. After interacting, you must find four clues within the vicinity, which will be marked by three shining spots inside a yellow circle on the mini-map.
Start with the roast chicken in front of Henri, then the shovel near the fence. Next, investigate the broken machine by the road. For the final clue, look to the right of the machine and you will find two NPCs in black suits, Turner and Hunter. Interact with them and then return to Henri and talk to him. This will open the player's deduction screen feature in Genshin Impact.
Follow these thought patterns to find out What's going on with Henri:
- Associate: Crabs with the Roast chicken.
- Associate: Nearby shovel with the Roast chicken.
- Interpret: Self-proclaimed beauty treatment.
- Associate: Shout out so that you can be heard with The walker duo.
- Associate: Fearful of the walking duo with the Nearly shovel.
- Submit: Henri was buried here as the conclusion.
It appears that the duo, Turner and Hunter, are responsible for Henri's current scenario, but their motives are still unclear. You must piece all the information you have gathered together and find out Why was Henri buried in the ground:
- Interpret: Barrel on the Body.
- Interpret: Roast chicken.
- Interpret: Crabs.
- Associate: Crabs with Buried safely.
- Associate: Roast chicken with Buried safely.
- Associate: Buried safely with Truly Mouthwatering!
- Associate: Lesson with Broken Machine.
- Submit: Because he broke the machine as the conclusion.
After this, a small cutscene will trigger and end this short Genshin Impact World Quest and give you 30 Primogems. It is worth mentioning that there is a second part of this quest called Still Mouthwatering, in which you must find six cores to fix the broken machine.
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