Jon Cooper, the long-time coach of the Tampa Bay Lightning in the National Hockey League (NHL), has achieved considerable success throughout his career. Under his guidance, Lightning experienced a remarkable run, winning the Stanley Cup championship in back-to-back years, 2020 and 2021. Given Cooper's accomplishments, hockey fans often wonder about his net worth.

Jon Cooper's estimated net worth is $15 million, and he earns a salary of $5 million. Born on August 23, 1967, in Prince George, British Columbia, the 56-year-old hockey professional is the son of Bob Cooper and Christine Cooper.

Due to his family background, Cooper is eligible for both American and Canadian citizenship. During his high school years at Notre Dame in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, he actively played hockey and later graduated from Hofstra University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Cooper's dedication to the sport extended beyond his playing days. Despite primarily focusing on box lacrosse, he demonstrated his versatility by earning a field lacrosse letter during his college years under the guidance of head coach John Danowski.

Cooper transitioned from an attackman to a midfielder, showcasing his skills on the field and contributing significantly to the junior and senior East Coast Conference championship victories. His impressive statistics included 74 goals and 25 assists, accumulating a total of 99 points.

Jon Cooper’s journey with the Tampa Bay Lightning

The Tampa Bay Lightning announced Cooper would take over as head coach after Guy Boucher was fired on March 25, 2013. The Lightning had their most successful season in franchise history under his leadership, compiling a mark-breaking 108 points and 50 victories. Cooper led the group to their second Prince of Wales Trophy as the Eastern Conference champions. The Lightning advanced to the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals title series but ultimately lost to the Chicago Blackhawks in 6 games.

On March 22, 2016, Cooper achieved his 143rd victory as the Lightning's head coach, passing Terry Crisp to move into 2nd place all-time in terms of victories for the team. Additionally, on November 8, 2017, Cooper celebrated his 200th career victory as the Lightning's head coach, joining John Tortorella as the only coaches in team history to achieve this milestone.

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