Robert Axelrod voice fo Lord Zedd

Robert Axelrod (May 29, 1949 – September 7, 2019) was an American actor who was also known as Axel Roberts and Myron Mensah.

He was best known for his voice work on Digimon, which he began doing for English-language versions of anime in 1980; Lord Zedd, the main villain of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; and Finster, the original Mighty Morphin Power Ranger’s monster maker.

In The Blob, he played Jennings, a sympathetic doctor. He also played a Paul McCartney impersonator on the popular sitcom Family Matters, and later in his career, he appeared in several Tim & Eric productions.

What are Robert Axelrod’s name and role in Power Rangers?

Robert Axelrod is best known for his roles as Lord Zedd and Finster in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Robert Axelrod was born in New York City and raised there. He stated that he wanted to work in the entertainment industry since kindergarten, after initially entertaining his classmates.

As a child, he began acting in commercials and plays. In the early 1970s, he worked as a full-time guitarist. Then, in 1980, he made his voice-over debut with Banner the Squirrel. He continued to perform on stage throughout the years, and in 1983 he starred in the rock play All the Difference.
